The gameplay retains much from past installments, but that’s not a gripe. Uncharted 4 is also the best looking game on this list, with impressive vistas and perhaps the most detailed environments ever put in a video game. This sequel satisfyingly closes many of the plot points of the series, as Nathan finds himself at a crossroads in his life: will this seasoned treasure hunter choose adventure or those he loves? And along comes Nathan’s longlost brother, Sam, to make things even more complicated. Naughty Dog has a long history of great storytelling, and Nathan’s final adventure (?) continues that legacy. The top 3 games were very hard to rank, especially Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, which is this year’s most emotional experience as we bid gaming ubermensch Nathan Drake farewell. But now we have our five and we stand by them. The gamers among the Den of Geek staff got together and compared lists – a couple of these we all agreed on while others we admittedly went back and forth on. It’s always really difficult to pick only five best games of the year – which is probably why I always leave it until the last possible moment – but I’m pretty happy with our picks this year.

#Hottest games of 2016 trial
Join Amazon Prime – Watch Thousands of Movies & TV Shows Anytime – Start Free Trial Now I hope the industry continues in that direction. And even those games that didn’t quite deliver in the end, as is the case with No Man’s Sky, at least they were ambitious and tried to give us something new. We were spoiled with fantastic new narratives, too – Firewatch, Inside, VA-11 HALL-A, and Batman: The Telltale Series come to mind. This year saw the return of Nathan Drake, a brand new Final Fantasy installment (finally!), and Marcus Fenix’s son inherited his father’s Lancer. Every year, developers wow us with great experiences – whether it be new installments in beloved series or brand new IPs yearning to prove themselves – and 2016 was no different.

To say that this was the biggest year for gaming yet is probably a bit cliché at this point.